The Etobicoke Baseball Association and its Member Leagues join together in providing an annual OBA Umpires Camp for the recertification and training of the umpires in our area.   Member Leagues may also provide training sessions to further reinforce skills and mechanics through their respective Umpires in Chief.


2025 Accreditation Camp

Ths years camp wll be posted to the OBA soon, The camp will have a morning session 4 hrs.and an afternoon session 4hrs.. They are both beng held at Humber College Lakeshore Campus 3199 Lakeshore Blvd W. Morning checkin begins at 8:30 am, and starts at 900 am, afternoon session will start at 1:30 pm YOU MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED THROUGH YOUR ONDeck APP for either session. Sunday March 30th

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